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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Observations in a day!

My two thoughts of the day:

The logic used to control the elevators in my apartment building is completely useless, however fits well with the lack of brain wave activity of the average tenant in the building... in conclusion, there is a direct proportional relationship between these two variables.

My next point has to do with the City of Montreal not understanding that automotive suspension systems are not designed to handle the unnecessary/ridiculous amount of potholes more then 2 feet in diameter and more then 6 inches deep.  If I had the time and effort to waste on proving how idiotic this city is when it comes to its transportation infrastructure I would, but I'm busy doing better things with my time..... Therefore, my conclusion on this point is the same as my first; there is again a direct relation to the logic used in the control system for the elevators in my apartment building and the idiots running the city.

Overall Conclusion: There are too many lazy and as a result, idiotic people who lack being able to execute an entire thought process in Quebec, and if I may generalize a little further.... the world.  When it gets to the point that the governments realize they cant support this lazy philosophy through the endless social programs any longer, life will become a survival of the fittest game.... and let me tell you, damn it feels good to be fit!

(No offense should be taken to my comment about social programs if anyone requires the assistance of them, ultimately that is what they are there for.  My argument is directed to the majority of people out there that abuse the system.)
